In 2024, efficient project management is more critical than ever, with tighter deadlines and increasingly complex projects. 

One often overlooked but vital tool for success is Least Slack Time (LST). Understanding and applying LST can mean the difference between a smooth project and one derailed by bottlenecks. 

LST helps project managers prioritize tasks with the least flexibility to meet critical deadlines while preventing costly delays. 

According to recent studies, 48% of projects experience failure1 due to poor time management, underscoring the importance of mastering techniques like LST to keep everything on track.

In this blog, we’ll explore LST, why it’s crucial for 2024, and how you can use it to optimize your project timelines.

Let’s go!

What is the Least Slack Time (LST)?

Least Slack Time (LST) is the shortest time you can delay a task without affecting the project’s overall timeline. Identifying tasks with LST is critical for prioritization, as these tasks directly impact deadlines. With 37% of projects failing due to poor time management, effective LST management can be a game-changer.

For example, in software development, testing phases often have the least slack time due to their direct connection to the final release. Tools like Microsoft Project help visualize and manage LST2, ensuring you focus on tasks that could cause bottlenecks. 

Key concepts like priority scheduling and task dependencies are crucial to understanding Least Slack Time (LST). LST highlights which tasks you must prioritize in projects with interdependent tasks to prevent delays. Tasks with the least slack often depend on others, meaning a delay in one can create bottlenecks. 

For example, a study by PMI found that effective task prioritization can improve project success rates by 28%3. Using LST ensures resources are focused where they matter most to meet deadlines efficiently.

Slack Time vs. Float 

Though often used interchangeably, slack and float have distinct meanings in project management. Slack refers to the time a task can be delayed without impacting dependent tasks or the project deadline, while float focuses on the flexibility within the project schedule itself. 

Float is typically associated with the Critical Path Method, emphasizing the overall project duration. 

DefinitionTime a task can be delayed without affecting dependent tasks or deadlines.Time a task can be delayed without affecting the overall project timeline.
FocusTask-level flexibility.Project schedule flexibility.
Use in SchedulingMore common in project scheduling with dependencies.Typically used in Critical Path Method (CPM) for managing the entire schedule.
Impact on ProjectDirectly impacts subsequent tasks if mismanaged.Impacts project duration if critical path is altered.
Calculation BasisCalculated per task within a project.Calculated based on the project’s critical path.

Why Project Managers Should Care About Least Slack Time

Least Slack Time

Least Slack Time (LST) is critical for meeting deadlines, especially for tasks that can delay the entire project. For instance, in construction, delays in materials (LST tasks) can halt progress across multiple phases. 

To avoid bottlenecks, project managers can use tools like Gantt charts to visualize LST and focus resources accordingly. 

Research shows that poor scheduling causes 48% of project failures4, making LST management essential for keeping projects on track and reducing risks across tasks.

How to Calculate the Least Slack Time of Your Projects

  1. Identify Task Durations: Ensure accurate durations for each task to build a reliable project timeline.
  2. Determine Earliest and Latest Start/Finish: Calculate these for every task to measure schedule flexibility.
  3. Calculate Slack: Subtract the earliest finish from the latest finish (LST = LF – EF) to determine critical tasks.
  4. Prioritize: Focus on tasks with the least slack, as they can directly affect your project deadlines.

LST is the difference between a task’s latest finish (LF) and earliest finish (EF). The smaller the LAST, the less flexible a task is, requiring immediate prioritization.

For example, in a marketing campaign project, content creation has the earliest finish of day 5 and the latest finish of day 7. This results in an LST of 2 days, meaning content creation can be delayed by 2 days before impacting subsequent tasks, like promotion.

Common Misconceptions About Least Slack Time

LST vs. Other Scheduling Methods 

One common misconception is that Least Slack Time (LST) is similar to First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) scheduling. However, the two methods serve very different purposes. FCFS is a simple and intuitive method where tasks are complete in the order they arrive, regardless of urgency or complexity. 

While FCFS is easy to implement, it often leads to inefficiencies—especially when long or complex tasks block shorter, more time-sensitive ones. For instance, in a warehouse setting, FCFS can result in long wait times5 and costly delays if multiple high-priority tasks arrive after lower-priority ones, causing bottlenecks​.

In contrast, LST prioritizes tasks based on their slack time—the amount of time a task can be delayed before it impacts other tasks or the overall project. This method ensures that tasks with the least flexibility are completed first, preventing delays in critical areas. 

Unlike FCFS, which doesn’t consider task dependencies or deadlines, LST dynamically adjusts to prioritize tasks that are most at risk of causing delays, making it a more efficient solution for complex, deadline-driven projects. This distinction is crucial when managing projects where timing and resource allocation are critical​.

In short, while FCFS might be easier to implement, LST is far more effective in optimizing workflows and preventing delays, particularly in complex scheduling environments.

Why LST is Not Just for Large, Complex Projects

A common misconception is that Least Slack Time (LST) scheduling is only helpful for large, complex projects. In reality, LST can significantly benefit small and medium-sized projects as well. 

Certain tasks are more time-sensitive than others even in smaller projects, and prioritizing them using LST avoids delays, making your workflow smoother and more predictable. By focusing on tasks with the least slack, project managers can prevent minor delays from snowballing into larger issues, no matter the project size.

For example, a study by Harward Business Review6 highlights how small teams using LST improved task prioritization, reducing bottlenecks and increasing team productivity. 

Whether you’re managing a small marketing campaign or developing a feature for an app, applying LST helps ensure timely delivery and prevents unnecessary delays. It’s not about the project’s size—it’s about ensuring that every project runs efficiently, and LST can be a critical tool to achieve that.

Best Practices of Least Slack Time in Scheduling

1. Prioritize Tasks Using LST

In project management, tasks with the least slack time (LST) should have a high priority because if not completed on time, they are the most likely to cause delays throughout the entire project. By focusing on these tasks first, project managers can avoid bottlenecks and ensure the project stays on track. 

According to research, prioritizing critical tasks can reduce project overruns by up to 25%7. Additionally, using LST helps you sequence tasks logically to allocate resources effectively and meet deadlines without interruptions. ​

Gantt charts make it easier to visualize LST tasks and improve your scheduling accuracy, enhancing overall project efficiency.​

2. Integrate LST with Critical Path Method (CPM)

Integrating Least Slack Time (LST) with the Critical Path Method (CPM) helps project managers identify and prioritize tasks that could delay project completion. The critical path consists of tasks with zero slack, meaning delays directly impact the project timeline. 

When combined with LST, which highlights tasks with minimal flexibility, CPM provides a powerful tool for optimizing project schedules and resources. 

This approach ensures that you complete critical and near-critical tasks (those with limited slack) on time to reduce the risk of bottlenecks. For example, Gantt charts can streamline this integration by automatically calculating the critical path and identifying tasks with the least slack. 

According to studies, applying CPM improves project scheduling accuracy by as much as 20%8, helping to ensure timely project delivery even in complex environments.

3. Use LST to Balance Team Workload

Using Least Slack Time (LST) effectively helps project managers balance team workloads by focusing on tasks that need immediate attention without overburdening team members. A task with minimal slack requires priority handling to avoid delays, but LST can also identify tasks with more flexibility. 

You maintain a balanced workload and prevent burnout by reallocating team members to these flexible tasks when others are at capacity. 

Research shows that keeping team utilization between 70% and 80% boosts productivity9 while leaving room for rest and creativity, which is crucial for long-term project success. 

Workload management dashboards automate the process to keep everyone at optimal capacity.

Case Study: Using LST to Improve Project Scheduling

A smart home energy management project aimed to optimize energy consumption and manage appliances efficiently, reducing overall energy costs during peak hours. The system is to balance energy loads while maintaining user comfort.

The project faced difficulties balancing energy loads, avoiding peak consumption spikes, and coordinating appliance usage without disrupting the user experience.

LST prioritized tasks with the least slack to schedule critical appliances during non-peak times. The project reduced energy costs by 15%10 by reallocating tasks based on LAST while maintaining optimal appliance usage and preventing bottlenecks. This dynamic approach streamlined real-time scheduling, reduced delays, and minimized costs​.

Tips for Reducing Slack Time in Your Projects

1. Be Proactive

Reducing slack time requires a proactive approach to keep projects on schedule and complete critical tasks without unnecessary delays. One of the most effective strategies is thorough task dependency analysis

Project managers can prioritize critical tasks and streamline the workflow by understanding how tasks are interrelated and identifying time-sensitive ones. This prevents unnecessary delays and keeps the project on track.

Optimizing resource allocation is another essential strategy. By aligning team members with the most urgent tasks (those with the least slack), you can ensure that resources are not wasted on lower-priority tasks, reducing idle time and maximizing efficiency. Research suggests that proper resource allocation and task prioritization can enhance project efficiency by up to 30%11.

Additionally, contingency planning is crucial for minimizing slack time. By anticipating risks and developing mitigation strategies in advance, project managers can handle unexpected challenges without causing delays to critical tasks. Implementing buffer times or safety nets for unpredictable elements ensures that the overall project timeline remains intact even when things don’t go as planned​.

2. Communicate with Stakeholders When LST is Low

When Least Slack Time (LST) is low, it’s critical to communicate proactively with your stakeholders to prevent project delays and missed deadlines. Low LST means that specific tasks are on the verge of impacting the entire project timeline. Keeping stakeholders informed helps them understand the urgency and impact of any delays and encourages collaboration in addressing risks early.

Effective communication not only sets clear expectations but also builds trust. Regular updates and transparent discussions can prevent conflicts and ensure all parties are aligned on the necessary steps to avoid project derailments. 

For instance, according to best practices, timely communication with stakeholders can foster better decision-making to reallocate resources quickly and mitigate risks before they become critical issues.

Remember, stakeholders appreciate being in the loop. Keeping them informed about the challenges associated with low LST enables them to be more supportive, whether it’s through providing additional resources or helping make quicker decisions to keep the project on track. This proactive approach strengthens stakeholder relationships and boosts the likelihood of successful project delivery.

Risk Management Approaches When Working with Tight LST

When working with tight Least Slack Time (LST), managing risks proactively is essential to keeping your project on track. One effective strategy is to conduct a Schedule Risk Assessment (SRA) at the outset and throughout the project lifecycle. 

This allows you to identify and quantify risks that could impact critical tasks with low slack, such as resource shortages or unexpected delays, and develop contingency plans in advance. By preemptively addressing potential risks, you can reduce the likelihood of project delays and avoid unexpected bottlenecks.

Additionally, mitigation strategies—such as adjusting timelines for less critical tasks or allocating additional resources to high-risk areas—can further buffer your project against setbacks. 

Studies show that projects with solid risk management practices are more likely to meet deadlines and stay within budget, even when LST is tight​. Moreover, assess the probability and severity of risks for more informed decision-making throughout the project.


In this blog, we’ve covered how to master project scheduling using Least Slack Time (LST) to keep projects on track, even under pressure. To recap:

  • What is LST? It’s the shortest time a task can be delayed without affecting the project timeline.
  • Why it matters: Prioritizing tasks with the least slack prevents delays and helps meet deadlines.
  • Key strategies: We looked at how to integrate LST with Critical Path Method (CPM), balance team workloads, and manage risks effectively.
  • Proactive approaches: We highlighted the importance of stakeholder communication and risk management to handle tight LST effectively.

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  1. Langley, M. (2017b). Transforming the high cost of low performance. In 9th Global Project Management Survey. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from ↩︎
  2. Show slack in your project in Project desktop – Microsoft Support. (n.d.). ↩︎
  3. Parsi, N. (2017). Flying Higher: Project Success Rates Are (Finally) on the Rise—And Are Giving Organizations Room to Grow. PM Network, 31(3), 58–61. ↩︎
  4. Black, K. (1996). Causes of project failure: a survey of professional engineers. PM Network, 10(11), 21–24. ↩︎
  5. Jpallmerine. (2024, February 20). First Come, First Serve – Why It Makes You Last in Warehouse Efficiency. ↩︎
  6. Research: When Small Teams Are Better Than Big Ones. (2021, September 17). Harvard Business Review. ↩︎
  7. Anastasiu, L., Câmpian, C., & Roman, N. (2023b). Boosting Construction Project Timeline: The Case of Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM). Buildings, 13(5), 1249. ↩︎
  8. Suharni, M. A. (2023). Project Scheduling Analysis Using the CPM and PERT: A Case Study. In Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization (Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 25–36). ↩︎
  9. Mastering Utilization Rates for Better Productivity. (n.d.). Insightful. ↩︎
  10. Silva, B., Khan, M., & Han, K. (2018). Load Balancing Integrated Least Slack Time-Based Appliance Scheduling for Smart Home Energy Management. Sensors, 18(3), 685. ↩︎
  11. Maritan, C. A., & Lee, G. K. (2017). Resource Allocation and Strategy. Journal of Management, 43(8), 2411–2420. ↩︎